© Photo : Vatican Media
On 11 June 2022, all the members of the WUCWO Executive Committee had the extraordinary opportunity to meet the Holy Father during a private audience. He welcomed happily the news of the creation of the World Women’s Observatory, which has already succeeded in listening to and giving visibility to women in Latin America and the Caribbean and is starting its work in Africa.
He thanked the Executive for all the activity of WUCWO and developed the theme of women in the Church, concerning the Petrine principle and the Marian principle, to point out the basis of the change he introduced in the new norms of Praedicate Evangelium, giving examples of women currently holding high office in the Roman Curia.
The members of the Executive were able toextend to His Holiness the greetings of all WUCWO women worldwide and hand him over, amongstother gifts, a spiritual bouquet and a book with WUCWO’s member organisationskey projects by region.