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The Cry of African Women

In November 2022, together with the Hilton Foundation, we started a project on the different types of violence and discrimination faced by women in Africa. After listening to more than 10,000 women from 42 countries on the continent, we have found that:

66.8% of the surveyed women suffer from structural violence. At the same time, those with the lowest level of education, primary or incomplete secondary school, are the most likely to report being victims of gender-based violence. It is no coincidence that 32.33% of women consider increased access to quality education as the most important necessary change for the full development of women in African countries.

55.2% of the surveyed women suffer from economic violence, even though they themselves are the main contributors to their families, accounting for 40.9% of household income, compared to 33.9% of men. Economic independence and greater job opportunities emerge, in 20.5% of cases, as another key to women's full development.


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