The World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (WUCWO), through its School for Synodality, reaffirms its commitment to formation, reflection and synodal transformation of the Church. As part of this effort, three online seminars were organised on 17, 24 and 27 February in Spanish, English and French, under the title: "One step forward on women’s synodal journey. From reflection to action". These meetings brought together 376 participants from 60 countries, fostering dialogue and co-responsibility in ecclesial life.
Inspired by Pope Francis' message for Lent 2025, in which he reminds us that "the vocation of the Church is to walk together, to be synodal", the meetings were attended by leading figures in the synodal field. Sr. Nathalie Becquart, Under-Secretary of the General Secretariat of the Synod; Rafael Luciani, expert and facilitator of the Synodal Assembly; María Lía Zervino, member of the Synod Council or Catherine Clifford, member of the Commission for the drafting of the Final Document.
"The Final Document is part of the Magisterium of the Church and must be received by all of us", expressed Sr. Nathalie Becquart in one of her interventions during the School for Synodality. Given this need to continue learning and providing formation, these sessions have been a space for reflection on the role of women in the Church, reaffirming the importance of the participation and co-responsibility of all the baptised in the life of the Church.
Continuing to create synodal spaces
One of the key points addressed in these webinars is the need to create now, spaces where active listening, an essential feature of the Synod, is put into practice. Catherine Clifford, drafter of the Final Document, put it this way: "When Pope Francis announced the Synod on Synodality in the midst of the pandemic, we knew it would be a challenge - not just because of the circumstances, but because we had no clear idea of how to proceed. With no previous experience, we faced uncertainty. Yet, the Pope was willing to take the risk, saying: 'We will learn by doing’”.
In addition, the new spaces that are opening up for the active participation of women in the Church were highlighted. Sister María Luisa Berzosa said: "If there is no participation, we are observers, but we are all called to be artisans of change [...] All women who do not feel prepared, be prepared not to leave the spaces empty".
Conversion to Synodality: an ongoing commitment
The Pope's Lenten message also challenges us to evaluate whether we really walk together in our daily lives, both in our families and in our ecclesial communities: Let us ask ourselves in the presence of the Lord whether, as bishops, priests, consecrated persons and laity in the service of the Kingdom of God, we cooperate with others".
From WUCWO we reaffirm our commitment to continue promoting spaces for formation, dialogue and the implementation of synodality, focusing on two key areas: the preparation of facilitators and listening to the voice of young people. We are convinced that the future of the Church depends on the joint work and co-responsibility of all its members.
The next events we are preparing for the School for Synodality are:
Training for facilitators
Monday, April 28, 2025
2-4 pm CET (French)
7-9 pm CET (English)
Tuesday, April 29, 2025
9-11 am CET (English)
5-7 pm CET (English)
Conversations in the Spirit
Tuesday, May 6, 2025
1-3 pm CET (English - Spanish - French)
Thursday, May 8, 2025
6-8 pm CET (English - Spanish - French)
Young Peoples’ Conversation Event
Saturday, May 10, 2025
6-8 pm CET (English - Spanish - French)